

We share our sailing expertise with our partner sailing school on Lake Thun, which is now the largest and oldest sailing school in Switzerland. The nautical competence centre in sailing offers a wide range of courses. From children's courses to basic courses, exam courses and regatta training, you can find a course for every skill level. The Lake Thun Sailing School is run by experienced sailors. They are happy to share their passion with you and skilfully introduce you to sailing or help you to deepen your knowledge. True to the motto "The proof of the pudding is in the eating". It is a unique opportunity to take a sailing lesson from a Swiss or European champion and take the helm yourself.

The headquarters of the Lake Thun Sailing School is in Hilterfingen, next to the marina. It is a 10-minute drive from the BEATUS. Alternatively, you can use public transport. The bus stop is right in front of the hotel (Merligen, Beatus) and you can get to Hilterfingen Post station within a 15-minute drive, which is only a 2-minute walk from the harbour.

Boat types of the Swiss Sailing School Fleet:

• Cupido: The school's oldest sail training vessel is a classic old-timer of the International 8 m R.Y. class and originally a racing ship from 1918. Nowadays, the ship is mainly used for leisurely sunset cruises.
• A40: Counts among the most modern racers in the regatta scene and is suitable for a leisurely to sporty outing with a maximum of 12 people.
• J70: The two sail training boats offer pure fun for every sailor's heart and are easy to operate.
 ST-19: One of the school's own products and the most frequently used training boat on Lake Thun. The small keel dinghy is extremely easy to handle and offers optimal conditions for beginners. The good-natured training ship forms the main part of the fleet and allows you to take the helm from day one.


Ideal as an introduction:

Sailing taster course: In the taster course you sail on the sailing school yacht ST-19 in pairs or threes. Experienced sailing instructors are always present.

Basic sailing course: This is the sailing course for beginners. You will learn the practical side of sailing on the ST-19 sailing school yacht, and sailing theory is also part of the basic course.

You can book the courses directly with us ( or through the Lake Thun Sailing School.

Learn more: website Lake Thun Sailing School 


Ideal for advanced sailors:

If you already have a sailing licence and would like to take advantage of the always good thermal winds of Lake Thun, you can also rent boats at the Lake Thun Sailing School. After an introduction, 30 minutes to 1 hour, you can sail the lake yourself and discover the idyllic places. The ST19 provides a lot of fun in an afternoon and is very easy to handle. With the J70 you need a little more time, but you will achieve steeper wind angles and higher speeds.

For more information, please contact reception or email ( without obligation.

Learn more: website Lake Thun Sailing School


Ideal for groups:

Enjoy gliding across the lake with the pure and clean power of the wind and breathe fresh air all the time - all this awaits you from the Hotel BEATUS. An experienced skipper from the Lake Thun Sailing School will pick you up with the Cupido or A40 directly at the hotel, and you can simply sail along without any experience. Hardly anything offers a greater feeling of holiday and freedom in one fell swoop.

For more information, please contact us at reception or by e-mail (

Learn more: website Lake Thun Sailing School