
Weekly yoga group lessons

The word "yoga" means the union of body and soul through deepened concentration to become one with oneself. A lesson is designed through physical exercises, breathing techniques and concentration exercises. The aim is to improve vitality and at the same time to achieve an attitude of inner calmness.

The aware yoga team offers you an inspiring environment to deepen your own practice. We support and motivate you to move forward with your yoga and meditation practice in order to grow personally and do something good for you and your health.

Boxes 2

Yoga group lessons - three times a week:

Monday: 8.00 to 8.50 a.m. with Melanie Danial / Martha Barthel
Wednesday: 8.00 to 8.50 a.m. with Martha Barthel / Matthias Brun
Friday: 8.00 to 8.50 a.m. with Martha Barthel

The yoga sessions are included for hotel guests. Registration is via reception until 9 pm the evening before (limited number of participants).

We wish you lots of fun!

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